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As requested by my mature students, I have put these videos online to encourage others to see age and growing old “NOT” as a barrier to exercise. Indeed we see any movement as a physical activity especially if you are having fun doing them. Enjoy.

A series of exercises developed for daily life with my mature students. This first exercise is called “Rise & Shine” and is designed to assist them to energies before getting off the bed.

Other examples of exercises are as follows: waiting or sitting in the bus or train, mindful walking part of (Walking on a Frozen Lake Series), reaching up to collect an item from the kitchen top shelf, exercises while ironing or cleaning windows or tables.

Please consult your doctor before embarking upon any of these exercises. Do NOT attempt these exercises on your own if you suffer from any degree of “Dizziness”.

Rise & Shine - Taichi For Mature People Series

Sitting Exercises 1 - Taichi for Mature people Series

Sitting Exercises 2 - Taichi for Mature people Series

Sitting Shi Ba Shi - Taichi for Mature people Series

Standing up Exercises - Taichi for Mature people Series

Walking on a Frozen Lake - Taichi for Mature people Series