If you use Smart Phones / WhatsApp and are interested, please Email me with your name and mobile number or TEXT: South London T’ai Chi: 07932 671 258 to arrange an invitation to this group.
If you have NO access to Smart Phone / WhatsApp: Henry Goldstein has put together a website to act as an archive for the videos which we have been making and posting to the South London Taichi WhatsApp Group. Videos already posted to the archive are now available for both South London Taichi and Taichi Clapham students ONLY. These videos will complementing your learning and are meant as reference in your practice.
Just get in touch with either of us with your choice of user name – keep it simple, perhaps your first name and the first letter of your surname. For example, Henry is: henryg. Henry then create a login account for you. The site address is http://handhvideos.ddns.net. You will be asked to log in with your user name and the password that will be made available to you via your teachers.